Caved Mind; Why I didn’t say


So before you ask me to speak
make sure you are not asking me
to put a rope on my kneck so it cracks
make sure the safety you promise
Is not a lone den of affliction
make sure justice holds it’s definition
make sure Justice is not lost in
finding why Instead of who!

NB: Most domestic violence victims don’t speak up😶 because of the attitude of the society towards victims of abuse, somehow Instead of finding help or looking for ways to ensure justice and healing, we put this victims in our laboratories and make them a mere case study to make a show of our wit and brilliant analysis without really facing and solving the actual problem at hand, we even go as far as stigmatizing victims. Most times we focus on finding WHY Instead of WHO🤷 i.e victim blaming. It is almost as if we just ask them to speak only to judge them but the truth is domestic violence have no justification, no religion, no gender and no tribe but it has a name so focus on finding the name.🙅

The only way to eradicate domestic violence is to encourage victims speak up and ensure justice is done. We must work on our perspective and reactions towards sensitive issues as domestic violence because one reaction may lead to the dying of many, both literal and psychologically.

🤗 A special thank you to everyone who read and contributed to this awareness of mine!!!!I just hope we all seek to create change at our different levels using every opportunity we have.✨💯

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Published by faithakatiki

Faith Joseph is a Nigerian Citizen, a Personal Development Blogger and a young social development champion and a Lawyer by Profession. Akatiki is an lover of all forms of expressive art and has excelled in performing various. She is a passionate Writer and an Activist, she believes strongly in gender equity and holds the view that rather than being treated as male or female, we should be treated as humans irrespective of gender and make the world a better place for all.

3 thoughts on “Caved Mind; Why I didn’t say

  1. Beautiful piece.
    Way to eradicate domestic violence is by spreading love also.
    It should flow like a river and let everyone who comes in contact with us drink from our water.

    Liked by 1 person

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